Stretch marks are shreds in the dermis. Losing collagen and elastin in the skin causes stretch marks, loss of tone and wrinkles. Stretch marks are nothing but a type of scars. They are red to purple in color early on and they generally fade to a more pale color in the course of time. Stretch marks are among the most common types of skin lesions. About 89.5% of pregnant women get stretch marks. They also affect 73% of adolescent females and about 42% of young males.

There are several factors that contribute to the formation of stretch marks, including:
Weight gain or loss.
Dry Skin have less elasticity.

Older stretch marks present a whitish of color, and newer stretch marks are often red or purplish in color.

Changes associated with stretch marks include:

 Breaking down of elastin and collagen fibers in the underlying skin layer called the dermis, which causes scarring.
 Damage to the collagen fibers and proteins.
 Shattering of collagen.
 Dilation of small blood vessels that results in red or purple- color of early stretch marks.
 Inflammation and collagen remodelling.
 Loss of pigment- producing (melanocyte) cells.
 Change in color due to lack of pigment results in the white or hypo-pigmented scars (characteristic of older stretch marks).

Treatments available:

U- Sonic

Along with some tropical gel and oral vitamins can helps to reduce marks and improve skin tone.