Vitiligo is a relatively enduring skin problem in which white depigmentation patches develop and enlarge only in certain sections of the skin. If your body produces insufficient melanin, hypo- pigmentation takes place making your skin lighter. Vitiligo is one such condition of hypo- pigmentation. The white patches appear if the patient has very little or no skin cells called melanocytes which are cells in charge of producing the skin pigmentation called melanin that gives the color of the skin and protects it from the Sun’s UV rays. The patches may occur on hands, feet, arms, face and lips. It is not possible to predict whether how much of the skin can be affected. In majority of the cases, the affected areas remain affected for the rest of the person’s life. Vitiligo is not transmissible; people cannot catch it from other people.
Treatments available:
Phototherapy With UVB Light
Phototherapy With UVA Light
Skin camouflage
De- pigmenting
Tropical Corticosteroids
Skin Grafting